Trojan App - Now Available For Free Download
app Finding the most current information on Trojan Battery products and markets is now fast and easy on your iPad. Trojan’s new iPad App connects you with important Trojan information including corporate and educational videos, product brochures and data sheets, general corporate background facts and figures, product user’s guides and distributor information. Let the power of your iPad simplify and enhance your sales efforts.
  1. Go to “Apple App Store” on your iPad.
  2. Type “Trojan Battery Company” in the search area.
  3. Select download “Trojan App”. This should take no more then 10 minutes, depending on your Internet connection.
  4. Locate the “Trojan Battery” App on your home screen.
  5. icon
  6. Tap to open.
  7. Enjoy your NEW Trojan BatteryiPad App.
  8. Check for periodic updates to ensure your Trojan Battery App is always updated.